Alex Albuerne

Product Designer

From Asturias, Spain

Working remotely

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eCommerce, Search & Plugins


Motive Commerce Search is a product that provides dynamic and intuitive search without relying on any shopper data. It’s a plugin designed to be integrated with the main eCommerce platforms and available for Prestashop, WooCommerce and Magento at the moment.

Mainly, the product has two pillars in which is based, a dashboard to help Shop Managers onboarding, configure and control search functions and get insights from their shops, and the search layer itself, where shoppers can enjoy, find and buy what they really need.

Overview of the Motive dashboard and Motive search layer


Motive aspires to be an easy-to-use and user-friendly no-code product that connects to eCommerce shops in minutes. Behind the scenes, there is a lot of complexity and different parts interconnected, but the end result and what the user perceives is a seamless experience achieved with just a few steps, enabling them to have an outstanding search engine in a matter of clicks.

Currently serving over +750 clients with a high satisfaction rate, the entire shop's catalog is just one click away for potential customers through the search bar element. They can search, filter, and discover products based on their needs, offering a great and seamless navigation experience.

Research, ideation and flows

To create, adapt, and iterate capabilities into the product, the team employs the design thinking approach in each increment that is delivered.

The initial stages of the process are crucial for understanding user needs and defining the problem statements to begin working on. Through a combination of ideation, references, best practices, and a data-driven approach, the Motive team is capable of providing effective solutions to satisfy user needs.

Guided by agile methodologies and relying on multidisciplinary teams, with designers playing a key role, the team can pursue its goals with a high level of involvement. The team's ability to contribute to the topic and the various dynamics that enable the translation of user needs significantly contribute to the ongoing maturation of the product.

Screenshot of several boards used into the research phase

Analyzing the current architecture of the application, improving user flows, and identifying any other restrictions or dependencies that may arise from new integrations are some of the tasks to be accomplished during the design process.

User flows are incredibly useful for visualizing where the action occurs and the factors to be considered. Ultimately, these flows are translated into real UI elements that will be developed and released. Therefore, the initial conceptualization and definition play a significant role in the entire process.

Representation flow of steps to do the sing up action

In addition to this, research tools such as Maze and Google Forms are employed to validate hypotheses and gather early feedback from real and potential users, obtaining insights directly from them to nourish the product cycle.

Components, interfaces and interactions

Through sketching and wireframing, while keeping an eye on the current components from our design library to maintain consistency with the rest of the product, the design team begins to shape and approach solutions to the real problems.

There is always a playground where the team initiates the interface design process, exploring and mixing without being constrained by any boundaries. At this stage, we can explore creative references, utilize previous resources, incorporate notes and comments, create mood boards, and draw inspiration from various sources.

By doing this, we maintain a safe space for open-minded ideas and contributions.

To create interfaces, the team uses Figma along with a wide library of refined components. These components are also available in Storybook for testing the different combinations and aligning design and development. These resources greatly enhance agility and centralize all the elements required to create new interfaces and sections for Motive.

As a result, Motive is a customizable, privacy-first, and user-friendly eCommerce search solution offered as a SaaS product, ready to serve as a search engine with relevant information to discover the most popular products.

Some of the clients using Motive: Coalla Gourmet, 226ers or Penguin books.

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